Rabu, 13 Juli 2011


Siapa pun yang membutuhkan barang-barang impor dari korea, ataupun yang sedang membutuhkan suplai produk-produk hortikulura (sayuran atau buah), silahkan kirim email anda di nindisekarwangi@yahoo.co.id
Harga bersahabat.

Anyone in need of goods imported from Korea, or who are in need of supply of products hortikulura (vegetables or fruit), please send your email in nindisekarwangi@yahoo.co.id
Friendly price.

My abstract


Nindi Sekar Wangi1, Djati Waluyo Djoar2, Sri Rossati2


Lemongrass is familiar in Indonesia as the cooking ingredient known as Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus). Citronella considered as a rare plant that most people do not recognize yet. There are two species of Citronella are known that is Citronella Lenabatu (Cymbopogon nardus) and Citronella Mahapengiri (Cymbopogon winterianus) which is its essential oil taken as a raw material to make medicine and perfume. This research has been done in BKPH Southern Lawu, RPH Watukempul and consortium village of Sendang, district Jatipuro, Wonogiri on December 2010. The purpose of the research is to find morphology characteristic, yield of essential oil and the variety level of Citronella, that all used as the selection foundation to get a bit of blood. This research uses 30 samples/accessions based on Random Proportions. The observation is conducted on the characteristic of morphology and yield of essential oil, variety level is implemented based on the Cluster analysis with average linkage method. The results show that 24,90% variety of Citronella in the area is not too varied. This variation can be seen from the morphological characteristic, and the differences of yield of essential oil produced. accessions 26 and accessions 24 have highest oil yield with 1.421% and 1.25%. The two samples have similar in the morphology, which they have similar red to purple leaf color, similar in the minimum number of plants in one clump (50-100) and the tall of plant  that not too high (150 cm -200 cm).

Keywords :  Citronella, morphology, yields of essential oil, variety
1)       University Student of Study Program Agricultural, Sebelas Maret University
2)       Lecture of Agricultural Departement, Sebelas Maret University